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(Actual Picture of an LED Light Treatment at Le Spa)
What is LED Light Therapy?
LED Light Therapy is a completely non-invasive, pain-free treatment that uses Light Emitting Diodes (LED's) to penetrate the skin up to 10mm. LED's emit Cold Light (without heat,) so this technology is safe for even the most sensitive of skins. This technology was developed by NASA, for the purpose of growing new skin tissue.
Technology Developed by NASA
The combination of Red and Blue LED Lights has been used for some time to grow plants in Outer Space. NASA then decided to test this technology on the skin. Their goal was to see if this form of therapy could assist in wound healing and even new skin growth. What they found was shocking.
Link to the Original NASA Study:
Results of Clinical Trials of LED's Effect on Skin Growth:
How Does it Work?

Each given color of LED Light is of a specific Nanometer wavelength (typically 415nm to 630nm,) that penetrates up to 10mm (1 cm,) into the skin. The light is thus able to reach the Dermis of the skin and provide true therapeutic benefit. Depending upon the color of LED chosen, therapeutic benefits such as the following can be achieved:
Thicken and Firm the Skin
Calm Skin Redness and Sensitivity
Even Skin Tone
Regulate Acne-Causing Bacteria
Balance Sebaceous (Oil) Glands
Strengthen Cellular Function
Repair Cellular Damage
Perhaps most importantly, with Red LED Light Therapy Especially, creation of NEW DNA within the Mitochondria of each cell is stimulated. Basically, the cells of the skin repair themselves!
What are the Results?

Immediately, the skin has a glow and shows increased circulation. It will develop a new firmness and smoothness over the following days. With repeat treatments, the skin is remarkably transformed. The skin will be healthier overall and will function better. It will have better coloring, circulation, firmness, and smoothness. LED Light Therapy is the most effective when it is done regularly. It is suggested as a weekly protocol.
Does it Hurt? Are There Any Side Effects?
There are zero side effects from this therapy. The eyes are covered by protective shields to protect them from the brightness of the light. All you have to do is relax and enjoy a lovely hand/arm massage.
How Often Do I Need to Get LED Light Therapy?
This therapy is most effective when received regularly. It is suggested that a client receive one 20-minute session each week, if possible. Thus, this highly-advanced therapy has been priced very affordably. There are two option for receiving this therapy;
As an add-on to any Facial or Cavitation Treatment (except Radiofrequency), $25
Who is it For?
This is an excellent treatment option for practically everyone. It is especially beneficial to people with Rosacea, Acne, Fine Lines and Wrinkles, and Loss of Radiance. This is also an excellent treatment for those that do not like the heat associated with the Radiofrequency facial-firming therapy.
Who is it NOT For?
Anyone with extreme sensitivities to light or Epileptic Disorders. LED Light Therapy is not to be added to any facial Radiofrequency service.
Click HERE to Book Online. To add it to any Facial or Cavitation Service, select "LED Added to Any Facial or Cavitation Service" from the "Add-Ons" Menu.